I was standing in line at the movie theater waiting to buy a ticket when I heard two twenty-somethings making comments about a slowpoke elderly man. They couldn’t mean me. There has got to be someone else in this line who is older than me. I will just casually turn around and see who they are talking about.
Nuts! It was me.
How could they call me elderly? I don’t have a gray hair on my head…since I shaved it all off. Why, I have never considered myself elderly. I’m merely 25 years past middle age. There must be a name for that.
I have half a mind to turn around and tell them about Methuselah who lived to be 969 and Noah who was 950 when he died. Now those guys were elderly! And then there was…
“Oh, hello young lady. I would like one matinee ticket for ‘Grumpy Old Men’. Senior ticket please.”
Faith Family Life Getting Older Growing Up Misadventures Music Patriotism Pets or Pests? Snips Tributes
3 replies on “Elderly, Who’s Elderly?”
aint it great gettin old…senior rates, early senior dinner specials, aarp, senior day at the grocery store, senior rates for the zoo, senior menus, etc. etc. But best of all we are so very very wise to boot. 🙂
You get the rewards of being the wisest now!
Nice photo. I’m hoping I can somehow get a 20-year discount from God for time served. This getting old stuff has felt harsh this year. I’m thinking something like Isaiah 40:29-31.