Inspirational Stories


Forty-five years. That is a long time to wait for a project to become reality.

Inspirational Stories

Lest I Forget

“There are those who speak about you who say, ‘He lost an arm, he lost a leg, she lost her sight.’

I object!

You gave your arm, you gave your leg, you gave your sight, as gifts to your nation so that we might live in freedom.

Thank you. And to your families, families of the fallen and families of the wounded, you’ve sacrificed in ways that those of us who have not walked in your shoes, can only imagine.”

General Peter M. Pace

Inspirational Stories

Remembering Gerald Metzger

“Be careful. Don’t break it!” he growled.

“The two pieces of pipe aren’t lining up,” I said. “If I put anymore strain on this PVC elbow, I think it’s going to break.”

Gerald Metzger and I were installing new meters in the water association shutoff boxes. Gerald had for many years been the association mechanic. His dad helped found our association and it was officially known as the first registered water association in the United States. As I lay on the ground over the meter box, Gerald stood over me barking orders while staring into the hole.

Inspirational Stories

Deception Pass Blues

As performed live by the Dunton Sister’s Bluegrass Band — Anacortes, WA.

Sitting on a log at Bowman’s Bay

Believing that today would be the day

That I’ve waited for so long for the chance to say, “Be my wife”.

And the sun was so warm, and the waves were bright

As they rolled to the shore in the morning light

The current was running in the pass so strong